


JSON-RPC createEventOffer method is deprecated.

Creates a new single offer assigned to your publisher account. New offers inherit your currency and country.
Read more about all types of offers here.


publisherToken*stringYou can find your publisher token at api-keys page.
offerDataobjectAll data describing new offer.
-price*floatOffer price, value between 5 and 99.99
-currency*stringChoose one: USD, EUR, GBP, CAD, AUD, NZD, SEK, DKK, NOK, TRL, ZAR, XOF. Default, publisher currency.
-titlestringTitle of the event offer, up to 70 chars.
-urlstringUrl to your event.
-startTimeintegerTimestamp, when your event starts
-endTimeintegerTimestamp, when your event ends
-timeZonestringFull list of available timezones
-videoId*stringLink offer with unique video asset id
-viewerEstimate*intTo allocate the appropriate support staff for the event, please provide best estimate on the viewership
1 = up to 1000 (default)
2 = 1000 -2000
3 = 2000 -5000
4 = 5000 -10000
5 = more than 10000
_-teaser _stringMaximum 150 chars.
-applyServiceFeeOnCustomer*booleanBe default, service fee is charged from publisher
-tags*arrayTags attached to offer.
-geoRestrictionEnabled*boolSet "true" to enable geo-restriction on this offer
-geoRestrictionType*stringChoose type of geo-restriction: whitelist / blacklist
-geoRestrictionCountries*arrayBased on geoRestrictionType, set the array of whitelisted/blacklisted countries.
-youtubePreviewVideoId*stringYoutube video ID for configured preview.