These docs are for v2.0. Click to read the latest docs for v2.1.


Creates a new single offer assigned to your publisher account. New offers inherit your currency and country.
Read more about all types of offers here.


You can try that method by clicking here


publisherToken*stringYou can find your publisher token at api-keys page.
offerDataobjectAll data describing new offer.
-price*floatOffer price, value between 5 and 99.99
-currency*stringChoose one: USD, EUR, GBP, CAD, AUD, NZD, SEK, DKK, NOK, TRL, ZAR, XOF. Default, publisher currency.
-titlestringTitle of the event offer, up to 70 chars.
-urlstringUrl to your event.
-startTimeintegerTimestamp, when your event starts
-endTimeintegerTimestamp, when your event ends
-timeZonestringFull list of available timezones
-videoId*stringLink offer with unique video asset id
-viewerEstimate*intTo allocate the appropriate support staff for the event, please provide best estimate on the viewership
1 = up to 1000 (default)
2 = 1000 -2000
3 = 2000 -5000
4 = 5000 -10000
5 = more than 10000
*-teaser *stringMaximum 150 chars.
-applyServiceFeeOnCustomer*booleanBe default, service fee is charged from publisher
-tags*arrayTags attached to offer.
-geoRestrictionEnabled*boolSet "true" to enable geo-restriction on this offer
-geoRestrictionType*stringChoose type of geo-restriction: whitelist / blacklist
-geoRestrictionCountries*arrayBased on geoRestrictionType, set the array of whitelisted/blacklisted countries.
-youtubePreviewVideoId*stringYoutube video ID for configured preview.