These docs are for v2.0. Click to read the latest docs for v2.1.


Update different offers for different countries using localizedData array. Plase note, that you are unable to edit currency.


You can try that method by clicking here


publisherToken*stringYou can find your publisher token at api-keys page.
multiCurrencyOfferId*stringE.g. if you create multicurrency offer and you get couple of ids: A767351455_FR, A767351455_US, A767351455_GB. multiCurrencyOfferId is just A767351455
offerData*objectNo description
-pricefloatOffer price (in publisher's currency)
-periodstringSubscription period: week / month / 3months / 6months / year
-titlestringTitle of the offer, up to 70 chars.
-urlstringUrl to content
-descriptionstringAdditional offer description, up to 110 chars
-freePeriodsintSet your free periods number
-freeDaysintSet your free days number
-accessToTagsarrayTo which tags customer has access. Multiple tags are defined as "OR" (not "AND"). Set "(all)" if you want to give access to all of your offers.
localizedDataarrayNo description
-country*string2-letter country code
-currencystringChoose one: USD, EUR, GBP, CAD, AUD, NZD, SEK, DKK, NOK, TRL, ZAR, XOF
-priceflaotOffer price (in publisher's currency)
-periodstringSubscription period: week / month / 3months / 6months / year
-titlestringTitle of the offer, up to 70 chars.
-urlstringUrl to content
-descriptionstringAdditional offer description, up to 110 chars
-freePeriodsintSet your free periods number
-freeDaysintSet your free days number
-accessToTagsarrayTo which tags customer has access. Multiple tags are defined as "OR" (not "AND"). Set "(all)" if you want to give access to all of your offers.
-geoRestrictionEnabledboolSet "true" to enable geo-restriction on this offer
-geoRestrictionTypestringChoose type of geo-restriction: whitelist / blacklist
-geoRestrictionCountriesarrayBased on geoRestrictionType, set the array of whitelisted/blacklisted countries.

API Request/Response



          "title":"Test offer for US customers"


          "publisherEmail":"[email protected]",
          "title":"Test offer for French customers",
          "description":"Test offer description",

          "publisherEmail":"[email protected]",
          "title":"Test offer for US customers",
          "description":"Test offer description",
