These docs are for v2.0. Click to read the latest docs for v2.1.


loginOnly() is a part of authentication . For simple loginOnly usage we recommend html version, which doesn't require any coding from your side.


Example of simple overlay checkout trigger.

    displayType: "overlay",
    publisherId: 123456654,
    completed : function(result){}

Example of showing inline checkout inside #my-container element. Also it triggers option for customer to choose offer.

    displayType: "inline",
    containerId: "my-container",
    publisherId: 321123321,
    locale: "fr_FR",
    completed : function(result){}


displayType*stringchoose from popup / inline / overlay
containerIdstringoptional for in-line checkout, otherwise ignored. Put the id of dom element inside where you want to put your checkout.
publisherIdstring(optional - if offerId is not defined)
localestringoptional, by default it is detected by Cleeng
completed*functionas a result you receive detailed information about purchase made

* - required parameter