These docs are for v2.0. Click to read the latest docs for v2.1.


Offers are presented in descending order based on the creation date.


You can try that method by clicking here


offerId*stringPass offer id.
criteriaobjectNo description
*-active *booleanBy default you get list of active offers. To get inactive offers, set this field to false.
offset*integerFrom which offer you want to get results. Helpful in pagination.
limit*integerNumber of results you want to retrieve. E.g. if you want to display 10 offers per page, and you are on third, just set limit to 10 and offset to 20.

API Request/Response




          "publisherEmail":"[email protected]",
          "title":"hockey and football",
          "description":"Get access to all hockey and football articles",
          "publisherEmail":"[email protected]",
          "title":"basketball and tennis",
          "description":"Get access to all basketball and tennis articles",

PHP Example

    $cleengApi = new Cleeng_Api();

    $offerList = $cleengApi->listPassOffers(array(), 0, 5);