Fetch customer locales

Use /locales endpoint to fetch customer's locales data, which you will need to register customer or to fetch offer details properly. This endpoint returns locales based on request IP, or based on given customerIP.

Response description

countryCustomer country code
currencyCustomer currency. Customer price will be calculated for this currency. A list of supported currencies can be found HERE
localeCustomer language and text formatting. A list of supported locales can be found HERE
ipAddressIf query param customerIP is given- it will return this value, if query param is not given- it will return IP address from the request.


Good to know!

There are two use cases for this endpoint:

  • call it from frontend to fetch all details about customer locales (don't use query param in this case),
  • call it from you backend and add customer IP in query param to fetch customer country, currency and locale
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!