Fetch customer's payment details

Use customers/:customerId/payment_details endpoint to fetch a customer payment details. Payment details hold selected information (e.g. card expiration date) of the complete set of payment details or tokens to reference this data.

Response description

idCustomer payment details ID
customerIdCustomer identifier at Cleeng
paymentGatewayUsed payment gateway, eg. 'adyen', 'paypal', 'roku', 'amazon', 'android', 'apple'
paymentMethodUsed payment method, eg. 'card', 'applepay', 'googlepay', 'ideal', 'paypal', 'roku', 'amazon', 'android', 'apple'
paymentMethodSpecificParamsDetails specified for particular payment methods, eg. for Paypal: payerId, holderName, for card: variant, lastCardFourDigits, holderName, cardExpirationDate, socialSecurityNumber
paymentMethodIdPublisher payment method Id
activeDefines if recurring is triggered by Cleeng
boundDefines if payment details are connected with an externally managed subscription. Such payment details should be managed in the application in which a purchase has been made.
subscriptionIdsIdentifiers of subscriptions for which given payment details were used.



User payment details for Apple Pay transactions will display placeholders instead of cardholder names or addresses.

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