Create a pass [Beta]

Use this endpoint to create externally-managed passes.

The life cycle of externally-managed passes is managed outside of Cleeng so it is up to a publisher to notify Cleeng about pass status changes, e.g. the change of pass expiration date or pass termination if auto-termination is not enabled (if auto-termination is not enabled for the payment method, Cleeng platform will not terminate the pass when expiry date is reached, and the publisher will need to send the termination request to revoke access).

You can create multiple passes for the same offer and customer with this endpoint. But the endpoint prevents duplicate passes with the same external ID and source. It only allows new passes if there isn't already an active pass from the same source and with the same external ID.



Please note that it is a Beta phase.

Response description

passIdintegerPass identifier in Cleeng.
customerIdintegerThe identifier of Cleeng customer.
statusstringThe current status of a pass. One of: active, terminated.
offerIdstringThe identifier of Cleeng offer, e.g. S123123123_US.
expiresAtintegerExpiration time (in UNIX timestamp format).
externalIdstringThe external identifier of a pass.
paymentMethodIdintegerThe identifier of the payment method, provided by Cleeng.
externalPropertiesobjectExternal properties that can be used to store additional metadata from the external system, e.g. partnerID, externalProductId, partnerCode, etc.
isExternallyManagedbooleanWhether a pass is externally-managed or not.
sourcestringA system that initiates and manages pass lifecycle and/or payments. It can be an internal source - cleeng - for Cleeng-managed passes or an external source - e.g. samsung - for externally-managed passes.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!