Fetch customer's subscriptions

Use /customers/:customerId/subscriptions endpoint to fetch customer's subscriptions. This endpoint lists all active and stopped subscriptions, but it doesn't return expired ones.

You can find details about customer subscriptions here, like status, expiration date, price, payment method, or period.

NOTE: This API requires JWT to run. It should be put in the request header. See more in Authorization.



nextPaymentPrice includes applied coupons



This API endpoint is not guaranteed to provide real-time results. Updating transaction status may be delayed due to required communication with a payment provider and other processes. Usually, such delay is minimal (<1 second). Because of such behavior, this API should not be used for validating entitlements - please use Get entitlements instead.

Please also note that granting entitlements is based on subscription status, not its expiration date. Even if the expiresAt date is in the past, a subscription status can still be active. This may occur for example during a Grace period, where access is allowed to continue for a set time after the expiration date is reached, therefore the subscription is terminated only after grace period ends.


HTTP Status codeError codeMessage
400REQ0003Invalid path parameters
401AUTH0001Missing required JWT
401AUTH0002Invalid JWT token
500SXXXX (X - number)Internal Server Error
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