This endpoint lets you list all your campaign details based on a coupon code.
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Please note that a campaign can be restricted to particular offers - but you can have only one restriction - either to
(offer IDs) ortags
Response description
Response | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of a campaign. |
discount | float | Offer discount, e.g. 0.1 means 10% discount. Allowed values: 0.01 - 1. |
usagePerCoupon | string | The number of times a customer can enter the coupon code. Allowed values: number for a limited campaign, and unlimited value when a campaign is unlimited. |
status | string | Filters results by status (active , deactivated , ended ), where the deactivated status stands for manually deactivated. |
offerTypes | string | A list of offer types that a coupon from this campaign can be used on. Allowed values: vod , live , pass , subscription . (These offer types values are returned in the List offers endpoint). |
paymentType | string | A coupon can be applied on an initial payment, renewal payment or both. Allowed values: all , initial , renewal . |
offers | array of strings | A campaign can be restricted to a specific offer localization e.g. S123123123_PL or to a specific offer e.g. S123123123. If there are restrictions - a list of offer IDs is provided. If no restrictions are applied - an empty array. If offer restrictions are applied, tags restrictions cannot be appied. |
tags | array of strings | A campaign can be restricted to offers with particular tags (tag names that were provided during offer creation and used during campaign creation). If there are restrictions - a list of tags is provided. If no restrictions are applied - an empty array. If tags restrictions are applied, offer restrictions cannot be applied. |