List campaigns

This endpoint lets you list all your campaign details based on a coupon code.

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Please note that a campaign can be restricted to particular offers - but you can have only one restriction - either tooffers (offer IDs) or tags.

Response description

namestringThe name of a campaign.
discountfloatOffer discount, e.g. 0.1 means 10% discount. Allowed values: 0.01 - 1.
usagePerCouponstringThe number of times a customer can enter the coupon code. Allowed values: number for a limited campaign, and unlimited value when a campaign is unlimited.
statusstringFilters results by status (active, deactivated, ended), where the deactivated status stands for manually deactivated.
offerTypesstringA list of offer types that a coupon from this campaign can be used on. Allowed values: vod, live, pass, subscription. (These offer types values are returned in the List offers endpoint).
paymentTypestringA coupon can be applied on an initial payment, renewal payment or both. Allowed values: all, initial, renewal.
offersarray of stringsA campaign can be restricted to a specific offer localization e.g. S123123123_PL or to a specific offer e.g. S123123123. If there are restrictions - a list of offer IDs is provided. If no restrictions are applied - an empty array. If offer restrictions are applied, tags restrictions cannot be appied.
tagsarray of stringsA campaign can be restricted to offers with particular tags (tag names that were provided during offer creation and used during campaign creation). If there are restrictions - a list of tags is provided. If no restrictions are applied - an empty array. If tags restrictions are applied, offer restrictions cannot be applied.
Query Params

The coupon code for which you want to fetch the campaign details.


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