Switch subscription

This endpoint is used to upgrade or downgrade a subscription to another subscription plan. Use either subscriptionId OR customerId and fromOfferId together.

Subscription upgrade and downgrade feature is available for Adyen and PayPal. Currently, we do not support subscription switches for other payment gateways, e.g. Altapay, Bambora, etc. for Cleeng-managed subscriptions.


Error codeExplanation
VALIDATION_ERRORGeneral input validation error. Details about error will be returned in message field in the response.
PAYMENT_GATEWAY_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe customer’s subscription was purchased with a payment gateway that is not supported by switch functionality (for example AltaPay or Bambora).
The following payment gateways are supported:

- Adyen
- Paypal
RECURRING_PROCESS_ALREADY_STARTEDThe customer's subscription is currently during the recurring payment process. Once a new billing cycle begins it will be possible to use switch functionality.
ALREADY_HAS_ACCESSThe customer already has an active subscription to the target offer.
TO_OFFER_COUNTRY_NOT_ALLOWEDTarget offer is not accessible in the customer's country. Possible when geo-restriction was enabled on the target offer.
TO_FREE_OFFER_NOT_ALLOWEDSwitch functionality is not supported for offers with price 0.
SWITCH_NOT_DEFINED_IN_SWITCH_SETTINGSSubscription switch between the two given offers was not defined as possible in the dashboard.
SUBSCRIPTION_WITH_COUPON_NOT_ALLOWEDSwitch functionality is not suported for a subscription with a coupon applied.
SAME_TARGET_OFFERThe target offer is the same as the current offer.
SWITCH_IN_PROGRESSThe customer’s subscription is currently undergoing the switch to another one - the processing has already started.
OFFER_INACTIVEThe target offer is inactive.
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