Get a gift

This endpoint retrieves details of a given gift that was previously purchased.

Response description

idintegerThe identifier of a gift. Example: 123456789.
codestringA gift code. Min length: 9, max length: 9. Example: 1A2B-3C4D.
offerIdstringThe identifier of a Cleeng offer. Example: S123123123_US.
deliveryDetailsobjectGift delivery details:
- recipientEmailstring- The email address of the person reciving a gift (recipient).
- personalNotestring- A personalized message for the person who receives a gift (recipient). Max length: 255 characters. Example: "Happy Birthday!"
- deliveryDateinteger- A date when a gift should be delivered to the recipient (in UNIX timestamp format).
sentAtintegerTime when the gift code was sent to the recipient (in UNIX timestamp format). null if the gift has not been sent.
redeemedAtintegerTime when the gift code was redeemed by the person who received it (recipient) (in UNIX timestamp format). null if the gift has not been redeemed.
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