Add Adyen payment details

Use this method to add Adyen payment details (for example a card with 3D Secure support, Apple Pay or Google Pay), so that new payment details can be used for recurring payments.
Example use case: a customer updates a card or wants to switch payment method to a card.

Adding payment details may not be finished after calling this endpoint. If payment details were successfully added to Cleeng, you will receive the paymentDetails object. If there is an additional action needed, you will receive an action object.

If you would like to test this API call but your client-side integration is not ready yet, add a prefix of test_ to the test card credentials, like in the sample below.

  "paymentMethodId": 123456789,
  "returnUrl": "",
  "paymentMethod": {
    "type": "scheme",
    "encryptedCardNumber": "test_5555555555554444",
    "encryptedExpiryMonth": "test_03",
    "encryptedExpiryYear": "test_2030",
    "encryptedSecurityCode": "test_737",
    "holderName": "T Cook"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!