List subscriptions

This endpoint returns subscriptions that match the specified criteria (transactionId, paymentMethodId, externalId, customerId or offerId and customerId together). Please bear in mind that if you don't provide any parameters, an empty list will be returned.

Note: Filtering by customerId and offerId might return multiple active subscriptions instead of one if multiple subscriptions have been created for the same offer.



If a transactionId parameter is provided, search by paymentMethodId, externalId, customerId or offerId and customerId together is ignored because transactionId always takes precedence over the other parameters.

  • Default page limit: 20 results per request are returned.
  • Header X-Total-Count will show the total number of results for the provided query parameters.
  • The following subscription resource properties are deprecated: id, userId and paymentGateway.

Response format is the same as in Create subscription endpoint.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!