Transfer Apple SK2 purchase

Use this endpoint to transfer an existing active purchase from one user to another. This allows re-assigning access to a subscription or in-app purchase.

The transfer process is asynchronous. Upon successful registration, the API will return a 202 Accepted status with a unique synchronizationId in the response body.

Note: Only active purchases can be transferred.

Please note that this endpoint can be authorized with a publisher (X-Publisher-Token) or JWT (Bearer) token. Depending on how you integrate with Cleeng (directly or through middleware), use either a JWT or X-Publisher-Token header authorization.

Please use JWT (Bearer) token to try out the endpoint in the API console in this documentation.


HTTP Status CodeError CodeMessage
400REQ0001Invalid body
400REQ0004Invalid headers
409SK2C0103The resource is temporarily locked due to a concurrent request.
409SK2C0104The resource is temporarily locked due to a concurrent request.
422SK2C0005The migration is in progress.
422SK2C0100Unable to find customer
500SK2C0004StoreKit2 integration not activated
500SXXXX (X - number)Internal Server Error

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!