Check code [Beta]

Use this endpoint for Device Flow Login (PIN Pair) functionality to check if the generated code has been authorized.



Please note that it is a Beta phase.

Response Description

tokenTypestringType of the token, e.g. JWT.
accessTokenstringToken used for authorization. It is required for endpoints related to customers. JWT is valid for 15 minutes.
It includes customerId, broadcasterId, and expiration date (to decode, use package like jwt-decode).
refreshTokenstringA token to generate a new JWT.
expiresInintegerExpiration time of the token in milliseconds.
customerIdstringCustomer identifier.
additionalPayloadstringAdditional payload passed by the verifying device.
Example: { "phoneModel": "samsung" }


Error ReasonStatus codeError codeMessage
Failed to parse the query params400REQ0002Invalid query parameters
Code not authorized yet401PINP0301PIN-Pair Authentication Code not authorized yet
Code not found or invalid404PINP0201PIN-Pair Authentication Code not found or invalid
Code has expired410PINP0203PIN-Pair Authentication Code has expired
Internal reason500SXXXX (X - number)Internal Server Error
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