Externally-Managed Passes [Beta]
Please note that it is a Beta phase.
The lifecycle of externally-managed passes [EMP] is outside of Cleeng’s control. It’s controlled by external parties, such as telcos and direct carriers, external payment gateways, mobile and TV apps.
Synchronize Externally-Managed Passes
Cleeng harmonizes different platforms with API framework for synchronizing externally-managed passes.
An external system may be directly integrated with Cleeng API, but a more common case is when a connector acts as a proxy between an external system and Cleeng API and synchronizes externally-managed purchases.
Once the accounts, and payments are in sync, the endpoints below allow you to keep pass up to date with the events taking place in the external system (e.g. inform about status changes such as new payment, refund, or termination).
Create Externally-Managed Pass
You can create externally-managed passes with Create a pass endpoint (POST /3.1/passes).
While creating it, please bear in mind the following:
- if expiration date is provided - the date will be set as pass expiration date
- if expiration date is not provided - expiration date will be calculated based on the offer
- if expiration date =
- pass will not expire until another request is sent to terminate. This sort of pass is called an evergreen pass.
Get Externally-Managed Pass
You can fetch details of an externally-managed pass with Get a pass endpoint (GET /3.1/passes/{passId}).
List Externally-Managed Passes
You can retrieve externally-managed passes that match the specified criteria with the List passes endpoint (GET /3.1/passes). You can determine if a pass is externally-managed by the field isExternallyManaged
in the pass resource.
Update Externally-Managed Pass
You can update externally-managed passes with the Update a pass endpoint (PATCH 3.1/passes/{passId}).
Terminate Externally-Managed Pass
You can terminate externally-managed passes with the Terminate a pass endpoint (POST 3.1/passes/{passId}/terminate).
You do not need to call this endpoint to terminate a pass if you have enabled auto-termination.
Multiple Passes per Offer
The limitation of one active pass per offer per customer does not apply to externally-managed passes.
This means that a customer can have multiple active passes for the same offer if these passes come from different sources (such as web, app stores, or carrier billing) or from the same external source but have different external identifiers.
However, duplicate passes are blocked in the following scenarios:
- An external app (for example, Apple, Google, Roku) attempts to create another pass with the same external ID.
- You attempt to create a Cleeng-managed pass while another Cleeng-managed pass already exists for the same offer.
Please note that Cleeng will not block web purchases, even if a pass to the same offer already exists in an external source, such as an app store.
We recommended that your client app checks entitlements before allowing a user to purchase a pass.
But if you choose to allow multiple purchases on various platforms, then Cleeng supports this by allowing you to create multiple passes to the same offer as long as they come from different sources. Cleeng also provides proper tracking and reporting for multiple passes.
Webhooks - Externally-Managed Passes
For information, see Webhooks - Pass Topics.
An external system is responsible for all status updates of passes, but it can be changed while configuring a payment method (see the Prerequisites section in the in the Integrating Multi-Channel Billing article). You can enable auto-termination during configuration of a payment method.
If auto-termination is not enabled for the payment method, Cleeng platform will not terminate the pass when expiration date is reached, and you will need to send the termination request to revoke access.
Evergreen Passes
You can create non-expiring (evergreen) passess so that customers can have permanent access to the offer unless/until it is terminated with a separate request.
To create non-expiring passes, set expiry date to null
in Create a pass endpoint.
You can convert from evergreen to terminating passes by providing an expiration date.
Updated 14 days ago