Cleeng Sandbox
The Cleeng Sandbox is a testing environment that allows you to know the main functionalities of Cleeng's production environment. It is also an environment designed to test implementations and functions.
A few key notes:
functions in and are the same
the sandbox is a separated environment with isolated database
your account details, offers, api-keys and transactions are different from your official account
the sandbox checkout allows you to apply fake credit cards details in the checkout
you can fully play around and try out things, without messing up your main account and your reporting.
Sandbox should NOT be used for load tests. Cleeng production is well tested for large events, but please consult with your account manager on your volume.
Sandbox should NOT be used for testing full sets of data migrations. Please use small batches to check only.
We have introduced API throttling within the Cleeng sandbox environment to enhance the overall user experience while interacting with our sandbox.
The number of API requests that can be sent to our sandbox platform is limited. This rate limiting helps to prevent overwhelming the system and ensures that all users can work within a stable and efficient environment.
In order to use the sandbox you first need to register a new sandbox account and use the API key as provided in the dashboard of the sandbox environment.
You might want to see the interactive guide below to learn more about the sandbox setup:
The card details that you can use for testing are:
Card number: 5555 4444 3333 1111
Card name: any
Card date: 03 / 2030
CVC: 737
When you start to work on your integration you might want to understand the exact responses from the API first.
For Medistore SDK, you can use the API Console
Updated 6 months ago