Webhook - Pass Topics [Beta]



Please note that it is a Beta feature.

Cleeng Webhooks

Webhooks are notifications that Cleeng sends out to subscribed publishers about certain events occurring in the platform. The events are sent in the form of a POST request made to specified endpoints with a JSON payload as its body.

The body of the request consists of three constant fields:

broadcasterId – the ID of the publisher that the webhooks is sent for,
topic – the name of the topic that the webhook is sent about,
data – topic-specific payload about the event.

Available Pass Topics



The event is triggered whenever a new pass is created.

 "broadcasterId": 111222333, // same as  publisherId
 "topic": "passCreated",
 "data": {
   "passId": "123456789"
   "offerId": "P987654321_US",
   "customerId": 123123123,
   "customerEmail": "[email protected]",
   "active": true,
   "expirationDate": "2019-11-07T19:55:41Z",
   "customerExternalId": "321321321"



The event is triggered whenever a pass expiration date is changed.

 "broadcasterId": 111222333, // same as  publisherId
 "topic": "passExpirationChanged",
 "data": {
   "passId": "123456789",
   "offerId": "P987654321_US",
   "customerId": 123123123,
   "customerExternalId": "ext-123",
   "customerEmail": "[email protected]",
   "previousExpirationDate": "2019-11-04T19:55:41Z",
   "expirationDate": "2019-11-07T19:55:41Z"



The event is triggered whenever a pass is terminated.

 "broadcasterId": 111222333, // same as  publisherId
 "topic": "passTerminated",
 "data": {
   "passId": "123456789",
   "offerId": "P987654321_US",
   "customerId": 123123123,
   "customerEmail": "[email protected]",
   "customerExternalId": "321321321"