Architectural Flow
Customers will interact with your app, which can be built based on the MediaStore SDK.
You can choose implementation via MediaStore SDK Components or build with our MediaStore SDK API.
The frontend app can communicate directly with Cleeng MediaStore API or it can communicate through your backend, depending on your configuration.
The rest of the process will be continued with the Cleeng platform (for example, customer management, offers management, and payments).
Since the MediaStore API communicates directly with the Cleeng Platform, you will be able to track analytics on the Cleeng dashboard.
We recommend going with Cleeng being MoR ( Merchant of Record), as it will reduce the huge burden of you building a payment connector from scratch.
With Cleeng being MoR, you get to choose among the two market-leading payment providers Adyen and PayPal to process web transactions.
All it takes to call exact methods to process the payments and the rest will be handled at Cleeng backend.
API Domain
All our methods are REST API, with host URL:
MediaStore URLs
Sandbox -
Production -
Updated over 2 years ago