Data Ingestion & Export
Leveraging Cleeng's Integration Hub for data-related integrations offers key benefits:
- improved data accuracy,
- enhanced customer insights,
- advanced segmentation capabilities.
These integrations enable seamless data import and export between systems, ensuring consistency and reliability. As a result, businesses can gain valuable insights, improve decision-making processes, and optimize activities such as segmentation, churn prediction, reporting, and marketing campaigns.
Data Ingestion
Data ingestion into Cleeng occurs primarily through integrations with platforms like Apple and Android, or via data generated directly by Cleeng, such as for Web applications.
Additionally, Cleeng supports data ingestion via Data Storage. Clients can upload data directly into our AWS S3 bucket, from where it can be integrated with existing data sets. This approach allows for the ingestion of any data containing an identifiable marker that can be associated with a subscription or subscriber. Common examples include consumption data, campaign performance data, and advertising data.
Export Integrations
Data can be exported from Cleeng ChurnIQ to third-party tools through the Data Export feature available in the Cleeng Dashboard.
Users can select the specific data sets to export - such as User Reports or Subscription Reports - and choose the destination tools, including Amazon S3, Zapier, SFTP, Google services, or Webhooks.
For detailed instructions on exporting data, please refer to the How to Export Data guide.
Supported Data Tools
Cleeng’s Integration Hub extends the capabilities of our existing integration offerings, supporting a broad range of data tools, including:
Updated 7 months ago