Webhooks Filtering


Webhook filters provide a way to receive webhook events only with a specific payload. This will allow for the subscribed endpoints to receive webhook events that you are actually interested in and filter out the events that don't match desired payload values.

Available webhook filters

Currently, the only filter that is supported is paymentMethodId. You can find its description below.

Filter NameExampleDescription
paymentMethodId837465728By using this filter you will make sure that received webhook events will contain payment method ID you specified. Webhook events with other payment method ID won't be delivered



If you set up filtering, but the payload of a webhook that you subscribed to does not have the paymentMethodId property, then it will filter out all events, and thus no notifications will be sent.

Subscribing to Webhook Filters

When subscribing to an endpoint to a webhook topic, you need to pass on the filters field, which defines a list of filters that will be applied to your webhook event. The documentation for relevant endpoints used for subscribing to webhook can be found here.

Below you can find an example request body for filters list and the description of their parameters:

        "name": "paymentMethodId",
        "options": {
            "value": 320113641
nameName of the webhook filter. Currently only one available is paymentMethodId
valueValue of paymentMethodId field you want to receive in webhook events. Webhook events with different paymentMethodId values will be discarded.

Example request bodies

Example webhook subscription request,

		"url": "https://example-endpoint-with-filters.com",
        "filters": [
                "name": "paymentMethodId",
                "options": {
                    "value": 320113641

Example webhook subscription request with two URLs,

		"url": "https://endpoint-receiving-only-320113641.com",
        "filters": [
                "name": "paymentMethodId",
                "options": {
                    "value": 320113641
		"url": "https://endpoint-receiving-only-112323789.com",
        "filters": [
                "name": "paymentMethodId",
                "options": {
                    "value": 112323789