Reference Materials

Good to know

While building a connector please bear in mind the points below:

  • Idempotency - requests made by connector should be idempotent. This serves to avoid sending multiple requests and overcharging a user.

  • Webhook Response Code “200” - responses to webhooks need to return “200” response code, or they will be resent.

  • “Zero” Payments - some payment gateways do not support “zero” payments. Handling of such scenarios (e.g. free trial) requires additional attention.

  • Each payment in Cleeng should have externalPaymentId (the same as the payment identifier from an external payment gateway system).

PCI DSS Compliance

The PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) is a set of rules that aim to ensure that companies safely handle cardholder data (i.e., credit card information). For more information please see here.

All merchants who process credit card information must be PCI compliant.

For payment gateways when a publisher is their own MoR, the publisher is responsible for their own PCI compliance.

Cleeng is PCI-compliant through Adyen and PayPal for all Cleeng Merchant clients.


Client AppThe standalone application you have developed
Payments ConnectorStandalone, remote (preferred backend) application, that is responsible for the communication between Payment Gateway API and Cleeng Payment API
Payment Gateway APIRemote payment gateway
Cleeng Payment APIREST Cleeng Payment API
Cleeng WebhooksCleeng's notification server
Recurring TokenAn identifier that entitles Cleeng to process payments; it is required if recurring payments are to be processed properly. It is created by a payment gateway.